Coastal Birds, shoreline birds and special places near the sea were all themes for this exhibition of mainly linocuts and pyrography I drew Artists Sue Gilford, Kate Gorringe-Smith and Libby Schreiber together because we share common ground as bird lovers. Kate and Libby are Melbourne printmakers and Sue uses pyrography ( wood burning). Our exhibition was held at Stockyard Gallery in the small…
Tag: Libby Schreiber
Feather nest flight
A group exhibition at Meeniyan Art Gallery Work by Helen Timbury, Laurie Collins, Libby Schrieber, Sue Gilford and Chris Beehag Exhibition dates Sunday 24th May to Friday 27th June The Gallery is open 11-3pm weekdays and 11-5pm weekends (closed Tuesdays) There is a light fanciful feel to this exhibition bringing together printmaking, sculpting, mixed media and pyrography (…