Over the past year I’ve been leaving the confines of my tiny studio to paint in the landscape. The landscapes captured in this exhibition are created in the spirit of spontaneity. Was Gallery is pleased to invite you to the opening of Essence of Nature, a group show of paintings and works on paper by Jennifer Chandler, Lynne Coade, Dee Ross, Helen…
Tag: Warragul
Big Arts Market for Xmas
Warragul Exhibition Reopens for regional visitors
My exhibition at WAS Gallery will reopen on Friday 10th Sept as regional restrictions are eased. There are few things to sort out (like a possible extension to dates) but you can be sure it will be covidSAFE with room limits, masks required, and visitor check in. Please note my artist talks may be rescheduled…
Pivot to pop-up opening 2 hours before lockdown
Warragul Exhibition Opening Saturday
I’m excited to announce my exhibition opening will go ahead at WAS Gallery on Saturday 21st August 2-4pm with covid management (room limits, masks must be worn and visitors will be required to check in). You are invited to peruse my linocut prints with wine and nori rolls. Discover my new series of bird linocuts and…